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Edmunds Elementary School

Address: 299 Main St.

Burlington, VT 05401



school phone: 802-864-8473

What is the best way to stay in touch?



Email: I check my email as frequently as possible, and will try my best to reply to you within 24 hours and it is often much sooner.


Stop by the classroom:  Morning - If you need to check in quickly (i.e., Suzy Q. will be going home with Billy.) Mornings are very busy, so please keep that in mind. They are often not the best time to have a conversation. After-school: Meetings are often best scheduled for after-school, because there is more time to chat. For a "sit-down" conversation I find it best to schedule a time in advance.


Phone: If you call and leave a message I will often be able to get back to you within 24 hours.


Notes: I will reply to notes that same day, and send the reply back with your child. Please check your child's backpack if you are waiting for a reply. It is also helpful if you remind your child to hand me the note.

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